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Planning Phase

Planning Phase


Impact Scholarship Award


The Full Impact Foundation is committed to the continued educational success of today's youth. We feel it is important to help support talented students pursue their academic passions as they prepare to make meaningful contributions to society in the future.

Annual College Expo


​The Annual College Expo will bring together various college from across the country to provide information and applications for rising college freshmen. Financial Aid Counselors and College Representatives will be available to answer questions and assist students with their needs. Applications for the Impact Scholarship Award will also be available.

Entrepreneurial Academy​


The Entrepreneurial Academy will serve to provide in-depth information on how to start and operate a business. The Academy will allow participants to receive first hand information from current business owners, financial professionals and more to gain an understanding of the required steps in starting and maintain a successful business.

Economic Development​


The Full Impact Foundation will advocate for local economic development through the establishment of a Community Wall Street. The Community Wall Street will encourage businesses to conduct business locally strengthening the overall local economy.

Daughters with Destiny


Through an Affordable Housing Support Program, The Full Impact Foundation will seek to provide a stable living environment for women and children that need assistance in leaving an abusive relationship.


The Daughters with Destiny Program will primarily seek to provide financial assistance for emergency housing for women fleeing domestic violence.

Social Advocacy


Through Social Advocacy, The Full Impact Foundation will strive to bring awareness to issues relating to a host of important issues that affect our society. We will primarily focus on advocating issues pertaining to Education, Economic Development, Domestic and Family Violence.

Planning Phase

Planning Phase

Planning Phase

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